The fable is, in large part, the reason so many archaeological mysteries remain about the site. This powerful myth of the city of Ophir, populated by Semitic people, shaped the later cultural and historical interpretations of Great Zimbabwe. In Paradise Lost, John Milton situates Ophir somewhere near the Congo and Angola. Their descriptions offered many Europeans the promise of King Solomons mines, for according to the Bible, Solomon would send to Ophir for his gold. In the 1500s Portuguese traders visiting Angola and Mozambique-where they established colonies-wrote of a kingdom in the interior of Africa. Like many ancient cities, Great Zimbabwe has been shrouded by legend. The country of Zimbabwe-formerly Rhodesia, until its independence from England in 1980-was named for this site. Its unique architecture and sculpture-particularly the enigmatic birds carved from soapstone-bespeak a rich history, one that archaeologists continue to piece together today. With its high conical tower, its long, curved stone walls and its cosmopolitan artifacts, Great Zimbabwe attests to the existence of a thriving city that may have dominated trade and culture throughout southern Africa sometime between the 12th and 17th centuries. New York: Basic Books.On the southern edge of the Zimbabwe plateau in the watershed between the Zambezi and the Limpopo rivers sits the largest and loveliest archaeological site in sub-Saharan Africa. Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do and why they Do it. Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft: Grundriß der Verstehenden Soziologie. “Bureaucracy and Innovation.” Administrative Science Quarterly 10(1), Special Issue on Professionals in Organizations, 1 – 20. Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung. Business Cycles: A Theoretical, Historical, and Statistical Analysis of the Capitalist Process, Vol 1.
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